General Testimonials
cannot recommend Alison highly enough, she is such a calming, caring person who
really knows what she is talking about, I have full trust in her ability”.


FERTILITY Testimonials

I was unable to see Alison for what would have been the third session two weeks later, but booked for two weeks after this. During the third week after treatment 2, I noticed the hot flushes rising again in frequency and severity and by the fourth week was almost back to where I started. Clearly acupuncture had been helping to keep them at bay. A third treatment and then a fourth has got them back to a manageable level. I can thoroughly attest to the value of acupuncture in managing the hot flushes and the caring and supportive nature of Alison is so positive, I feel as if I am regaining control of my physical self and settling into my new normal”.

PREGNANCY Testimonials
With the prebirth acupuncture as well as early stage labour treatment from Alison, I honestly believe that I had an amazing short labour (27 minutes for established labour), I know that when me & my husband try for baby number 2. the first person I will be calling is Alison. Thank you Alison for helping me through the late stages of my pregnancy, for being amazing at what do & for really making a difference… A very happy proud mummy…”

At the same time, Alison reduced other side effects of previous chemo treatment for cancer, which included digestive issues, night sweats & irregular periods. I cannot recommend her enough!!”
If you are skeptical about acupuncture then seriously book an appointment because once you see the benefits, there really isn’t much that compares to it. Alison’s approach is also spot on, she’s informative, helps you understand what’s going on and recommends things to help you. Acupuncture has been my lifeline for pain relief and I wouldn’t go anywhere else”.

WOMEN’S HEALTH Testimonials